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Call a Jaguar component from ASP (this howto is deprecated)Tag(s): DEPRECATED

  • Install the Jagclient on the Web server. Jagclient.exe when executed will install a COM component (Jaguar.ORB) that can be used with ASP to access Jaguar Component.
  • You generate the REG/TLB proxies through JagManager for the desired package.
    • You need to specified an output directory, you need give the same name as the directory on the Web server which will contain the generated interface (for example, on the development machine c:\jagcomp then on the Web server there must be a c:\jagcomp too).
    • Plus you need the MIDL.EXE utility which is not included with the Jaguar installation. MIDL.EXE can be found in a Visual Studio installation, simply copy MIDL.EXE in %JAGUAR%\bin before generating the REG/TLB.
    • You specify the directory containing jagproxy.dll (on the Web Server), habitually c:\program file\sybase\jaguar cts 3.5\client\dll .
  • Copy c:\jagcomp from the development machine to the Web Server. Execute the various REG files.
NOTE: If you have installed EAServer on the same machine as the Web server then you don't need to install Jagclient.exe because it's already done.

Then from ASP, to call a CORBA component (like a PB component)

theURL = "iiop://myjaguar:9000"
set aORB = Server.CreateObject("Jaguar.ORB")
Set aManager =
Set aSession =
Set aFactory = aSession.lookup("MyPackage/MyComponent")
Set obj = aFactory.Create().Narrow_("MyPackage/MyComponent")

sz = obj.of_sayhello()
response.write sz

set obj = nothing
set aFactory = nothing
set aSession = nothing
set aManager = nothing
set aORB = nothing
To call an EJB component
theURL = "iiop://myjaguar:9000"
set aORB = Server.CreateObject("Jaguar.ORB")

Set aManager =
Set aSession =
Set aFactory = aSession.lookup("MyPackage/MyComponentEJB")
Set objHome = aFactory.Narrow_("com/rgagnon/EJB/MyComponentHome")

Set obj = objHome.Create()

sz = obj.sayHello()

response.write sz

set objHome=nothing
set obj = nothing
set aFactory = nothing
set aSession = nothing
set aManager = nothing
set aORB = nothing

Thanks to RobbGolds