Fix Netscape "CSS resize bug"Tag(s): HTML/CSS
Netscape has the bad habit to move around element around when you resize a window while IE keep your layout intact. Simply the following code in your page :
// Netscape fix resize bug Ns4 function WM_netscapeCssFix() { if (document.WM.WM_netscapeCssFix.initWindowWidth != window.innerWidth || document.WM.WM_netscapeCssFix.initWindowHeight != window.innerHeight) { document.location = document.location; } } function WM_netscapeCssFixCheckIn() { if ((navigator.appName == 'Netscape') && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4)) { if (typeof document.WM == 'undefined'){ document.WM = new Object; } if (typeof document.WM.WM_scaleFont == 'undefined') { document.WM.WM_netscapeCssFix = new Object; document.WM.WM_netscapeCssFix.initWindowWidth = window.innerWidth; document.WM.WM_netscapeCssFix.initWindowHeight = window.innerHeight; } window.onresize = WM_netscapeCssFix; } } WM_netscapeCssFixCheckIn(); // catch all errors... function stopError() {return true;} window.onerror=stopError;