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<span id="hilitezone"> <table border="1"> <tr> <td>Subscription to the mailing list is free of course.<br> The main purpose of this mailing list is to keep you<br> inform about updates to the Real's How-to site.<br> <p>As a subscriber, you have access to a special<br> download section where you can download PDF files<br> containing the "Real's How-to" site for offline viewing. </td></tr> </table> </span> <form name="hiliteaword"> <input type="button" value="Hilite How-to" onClick="hilite()"></input> <input type="button" value="no hilite" onClick="nohilite()"></input> </form> <script> var originalzone=document.getElementById("hilitezone").innerHTML; function hilite(){ if(document.getElementById && document.getElementById("hilitezone") && document.getElementById("hilitezone").innerHTML){ var newzone=originalzone.replace(/How-to/g, '<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">How-to</span>'); document.getElementById("hilitezone").innerHTML=newzone; } } function nohilite(){ if(document.getElementById && document.getElementById("hilitezone") && document.getElementById("hilitezone").innerHTML){ document.getElementById("hilitezone").innerHTML=originalzone; } } </script>
Subscription to the mailing list is free of course. The main purpose of this mailing list is to keep you inform about updates to the Real's How-to site. As a subscriber, you have access to a special |