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Terminate a Windows processTag(s): WinAPI/Registry

In this HowTo, we are killing all the Notepad instance currently running, the script returns the number of instance found.
OleObject mssc
int li_rc
string ls_code
long i

mssc = CREATE OleObject
li_rc = mssc.ConnectToNewObject( "MSScriptControl.ScriptControl" )
mssc.language = "VBScript"

ls_code = "function killnotepad() ~r~n" + &
 "Set locator = CreateObject(~"WbemScripting.SWbemLocator~")~r~n" + &
 "Set service = locator.ConnectServer()~r~n" + &
 "Set props = service.ExecQuery" + &
 "(~"select name, description from Win32_Process" + &
 " where name = 'notepad.exe'~")~r~n" + &
 "num = props.count~r~n" + &
 "for each notepad in props~r~n " + &
 "   notepad.terminate ~r~n " + &
 "next~r~n" + &
 "killnotepad = num~r~n" + &
 "end function"
 // messagebox("", ls_code)
i = mssc.Eval("killnotepad()")

messagebox("Notepad killed", string(i))

You need to run this code from an executable. From the IDE, the Terminate method returns "2" (Access is denied).