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Get CPU or other hardware/software infosTag(s): WinAPI/Registry

Send Query to Windows using the WMI package.

To know more about your CPU

ref :

class Win32_Processor : CIM_Processor
  uint16 AddressWidth;
  uint16 Architecture;
  uint16 Availability;
  string Caption;
  uint32 ConfigManagerErrorCode;
  boolean ConfigManagerUserConfig;
  uint16 CpuStatus;
  string CreationClassName;
  uint32 CurrentClockSpeed;
  uint16 CurrentVoltage;
  uint16 DataWidth;
  string Description;
  string DeviceID;
  boolean ErrorCleared;
  string ErrorDescription;
  uint32 ExtClock;
  uint16 Family;
  datetime InstallDate;
  uint32 L2CacheSize;
  uint32 L2CacheSpeed;
  uint32 LastErrorCode;
  uint16 Level;
  uint16 LoadPercentage;
  string Manufacturer;
  uint32 MaxClockSpeed;
  string Name;
  string OtherFamilyDescription;
  string PNPDeviceID;
  uint16 PowerManagementCapabilities[];
  boolean PowerManagementSupported;
  string ProcessorId;
  uint16 ProcessorType;
  uint16 Revision;
  string Role;
  string SocketDesignation;
  string Status;
  uint16 StatusInfo;
  string Stepping;
  string SystemCreationClassName;
  string SystemName;
  string UniqueId;
  uint16 UpgradeMethod;
  string Version;
  uint32 VoltageCaps;


OLEObject ole_wsh
Any la_processor[]
string ls_message

 ole_wsh = CREATE OLEObject
 ole_wsh.Language = "vbscript"
 ole_wsh.AddCode('Function rtnProcessor()~r~n' &
 + 'DIM objProcessor(3)~r~n'  &
 + 'strComputer = "."~r~n'  &
 + 'Set objWMIService ='  &
 + '   GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")~r~n' &
 + 'Set colItems =' &
 + '    objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Processor")~r~n' &
 + 'For Each objItem in colItems~r~n' &
 + 'objProcessor(0) = objItem.ProcessorId~r~n' &
 + 'objProcessor(1) = objItem.MaxClockSpeed~r~n' &
 + 'objProcessor(2) = objItem.Name~r~n' &
 + 'objProcessor(3) = objItem.Description~r~n' &
 + 'Next~r~n' &
 + 'rtnProcessor = objProcessor~r~n' &
 + 'End Function')
 la_processor[] = ole_wsh.Eval("rtnProcessor")
 DESTROY ole_wsh

ls_message = "Processor Id: " + string(la_processor[1]) + "~r~n" + &
+ "Maximum Clock Speed: " + string(la_processor[2]) + "~r~n" + &
+ "Name : " +string(la_processor[3]) + "~r~n" + &
+ "Description : " + string(la_processor[4])
MessageBox("Win32 Processor",ls_message)

To determine devices plugged into USB ports


OLEObject ole_wsh
Any la_usb[]
string ls_message

 ole_wsh = CREATE OLEObject
 ole_wsh.Language = "vbscript"
 ole_wsh.AddCode('Function rtnUSB()~r~n' &
 + 'USBdevice = "" ~r~n'  &
 + 'strComputer = "."~r~n'  &
 + 'Set objWMIService = ' &
 + '  GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")~r~n' &
 + 'Set colItems = ' &
 + '  objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_USBHub")~r~n' &
 + 'For Each objItem in colItems~r~n' &
 + 'USBdevice = USBdevice & " , " & objItem.Description~r~n' &
 + 'Next~r~n' &
 + 'rtnUSB = USBdevice~r~n' &
 + 'End Function')

 ls_message = ole_wsh.Eval("rtnUSB")
 DESTROY ole_wsh

ls_message = "Device(s): " + ls_message

Obtain the inventory all the software installed on a computer (can take awhile!)

OLEObject ole_wsh
Any la_usb[]
string ls_message

 ole_wsh = CREATE OLEObject
 ole_wsh.Language = "vbscript"
 ole_wsh.AddCode('Function rtnSoftwares()~r~n' &
 + 'SoftwareList = "" ~r~n' + &
 + 'strComputer = "."~r~n' + &
 + 'Set objWMIService = ' + &
 + '   GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _~r~n' &
 + '& strComputer & "\root\cimv2")~r~n' &
 + 'Set colItems = ' &
 + '  objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Product")~r~n' &
 + 'For Each objItem in colItems~r~n' &
 + 'SoftwareList = SoftwareList & " , " & objItem.Name  & + "(" & _~r~n' &
 + 'objItem.Version & ")"~r~n' &
 + 'Next~r~n' &
 + 'rtnSoftwares = SoftwareList~r~n' &
 + 'End Function')
 ls_message = ole_wsh.Eval("rtnSoftwares")
 DESTROY ole_wsh

MessageBox("Software List",ls_message)

Returns Serial Number from BaseBoard

OLEObject ole_wsh
Any la_baseboard[]
string ls_message

 ole_wsh = CREATE OLEObject
 ole_wsh.Language = "vbscript"
 ole_wsh.AddCode('Function rtnBaseBoard()~r~n' &
 + 'DIM objBaseBoard(2)~r~n'  &
 + 'strComputer = "."~r~n'  &
 + 'Set objWMIService ='  &
 + '   GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")~r~n' &
 + 'Set colItems =' &
 + '    objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT Product, SerialNumber FROM Win32_BaseBoard")~r~n' &
 + 'For Each objItem in colItems~r~n' &
 + 'objBaseBoard(0) = objItem.Product~r~n' &
 + 'objBaseBoard(1) = objItem.SerialNumber~r~n' &
 + 'Next~r~n' &
 + 'rtnBaseBoard = objBaseBoard~r~n' &
 + 'End Function')
 la_baseboard[] = ole_wsh.Eval("rtnBaseBoard")
 DESTROY ole_wsh

ls_message = "Product: " + string(la_baseboard[1]) + "~r~n" + &
+ "SerialNumber: " + string(la_baseboard[2]) + "~r~n"
MessageBox("Win32 BaseBoard",ls_message)

more examples at MSDN

Before using this technique, you may need to download and install the WMI ActiveX, here the URL.

See this related howto